Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I Believe

I believe in doing whats right. Although life is not always fair I think everything
happens for a reason and many of these reasons were not meant to be undestood.
I take life as it comes, the bad with the good. I believe in God and his allmightiness,
but I am not a religous person. I do not blame God or any others for any misfortune. I
try not to ask why negative things happen I just pick myself up and start again. I
believe in the power of friends and family. I think friends should be kept to a
minimum because the more people you trust, the more people you have to worry
about hurting you. I teach my children that family is blood and should always come
before friends. I love my wife and daughters and would die for them and this I
believe is my responsibility as a husband and a father. I believe you can always
change your way. Life is not set in stone, it is to be lived, so live it to the fullest. I do
not believe in addictions or excuses. Any who allows them selves to be pulled down
by an addiction or makes excuses, is not trying hard enough. Life is hard and filled
with challenges and decisions to be dealt with everyday. Mistakes are made to
happen and the way people decide to deal with mistakes or a bad decision will tell
what quality of life that person lives. Live well, Love strong. Laugh often, in this I

1 comment:

Soccer Uniform said...

I am inspired by your thoughts. i this this is what a normal man can think who is not careless for the things around him.